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A Historic Cemetery Wins New Friends
Reprint of article by Kevin Flood on the South End cemetery, originally published in the New York Times.
Cedar Hill Cemetery
Photographic survey and historical information on notables, including Samuel Colt and J.P. Morgan, buried at cemetery designed by Jacob Weidenmann in 1865.
Center Church Burying Ground
Contemporary color photographs of selected headstones in the cemetery.
Hartford's Burying Grounds
Photos and information on cemeteries in Hartford, including Spring Grove, Old North, Cedar Hill, Old South, and Center Church, which is also known as the Ancient Burying Ground.
Headstones of Hartford
Inscriptions before 1800 from the Center Cemetery, as compiled by Charles H. Hale, State Military Necrologist.
Old South Burying Ground
Descriptive overview of cemetery that is listed on the State Register of Historic Places.
Old South Cemetery
List of names known to be buried the city's second-oldest graveyard.
Zion Hill Cemetery
Partial list of headstone transcriptions.