english deutsch
Alfred E. Burr School
Pre-K through grade six.
Bulkeley High School
Academics, activities and community partners, as well as contact information.
Dominick F. Burns Elementary School
School overview and information on math and science programs.
Dr. James H. Naylor School
Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade.
Dr. Joseph J. Bellizzi Middle School
Overview plus contact information.
Dr. Ramon E. Betances School
Public elementary school offers general information.
E.B. Kennelly School
Services grades K-8 including a pre-K Montessori class consisting of children 3-6 years old.
Hartford Alternative Learning Opportunities (HALO)
Offers programs to meet the instructional needs of students, grades 7 through 12, who require a non-traditional educational experience.
Hartford Public High School
Mission statement, news and links for parents, students and staff.
Hartford Public Schools
News plus information on the HELPnet project, United Technologies Learning Centers, the central office and jobs, with links to schools in the district.
Henry C. Dwight Elementary School
General overview and contact information.
Lewis Fox Middle School
Provides information on curriculum, programs and activities.
María C. Colón Sánchez Elementary School
Overview and contact information.
Parkville Community School
Services grades pre-K through six.
Prince Regional Technical School
Vocational-technical school for grades 9-12. Information on academics, technologies, athletics, student activies, adult education and alumni news.
Richard J. Kinsella School
Overview and basic information provided.
SAND Elementary School
Mission statement, menus and information on classrooms and after school programs for the South Arsenal Neighborhood Development (SAND) school.
Simpson-Waverly Elementary School
Instruction for youngsters from pre-school through grade 6. The school is also home to a city day care center and a Head Start center.
Sport and Medical Sciences Academy
Magnet school provides its program of studies, class schedule, athletics, clubs and activities.
Thirman L. Milner Elementary School
Overview, community features and special partners.
Thomas J. McDonough Elementary School
Information on programs provided.
Weaver High School
Mission statement, activities, educational services and contact information.
West Middle Elementary School
Grades include Pre-K-6, Bilingual, Special Education, and Language Transition Support Service classes