english deutsch
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Information on Sunday and Wednesday evening services, and public Reading Room.
First Congregational Church of Guilford CT
In the center of Guilford life since 1643, First Church is a member of the UCC.
Grave Stone Inscriptions from Guilford Prior to 18
A collection of headstone inscriptions as collected and published by the New Haven Colony Historical Society in the late 1800's
Contemporary color photographs of selected historic architecture and gravestones in town.
Guilford Connecticut - History
Vintage photos and synopsis of town history.
Guilford Keeping Society
History organization provides information on publications, programs, events, antiques festival, membership and museum shop.
Guilford: Heart of the Community
Online exhibit portraying the history of the town green. Includes vintage photos and historical background.
Henry Whitfield State Museum
Built in 1639, oldest house in the state. Displays artifacts from the culture of early New England settlers, and 17th and 18th century pieces. Includes virtual tour, hours of operation, directions and admission fees.
Hyland House Museum
Two-story saltbox structure built circa 1690-1710 and living museum of early colonial life.