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Daniel Kleiman, Attorney
Profiles legal services in the area of Intellectual Property Law.
Estate Planning Services
Living trusts and other asset protection services.
Greg Rynerson Bail Bonds
Bail bonds services for the southern state.
Indra Gandhi
Handles all aspects of U.S. immigration and naturalization law cases throughout the United States.
Law Offices of Alex D. Patel
Specializes in trademark law. Includes fee schedule and overview.
Los Angeles Lemon Law Center
Represents owners of defective cars, trucks and Sport Utility Vehicles.
Merritt and Hagen
Attorneys specializing in bankruptcy, business law and estate planning. Site includes information on bankruptcy and how to avoid it.
Steven R. Lovett Law Office
Deals in general civil litigation, with an emphasis on real estate (primarily construction and commercial litigation, commercial lease and business collection disputes).
Trademark Center
Research services for trademark and registration information package rates published.