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Adams & Rafferty
Providing a broad range of legal services to individuals and business clients throughout the state.
Cal North Reporting Service
Deposition reporters, also providing service in Sacramento.
Fiumara & Tomlin
Business, personal injury, criminal, gay and lesbian issues.
Hart, King & Coldren
Services including business formation and planning, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, litigation, bankruptcy, government affairs, and health care.
Kneisler & Schondel
Offering services for workers' compensation, personal injury, Social Security disability, and estate planning.
Lanahan & Reilley
Representing clients for all areas of civil and commercial litigation and transactional matters.
Michael Cantarutti
Santa Rosa general practitioner, emphasizing family law matters.
Shapiro, Galvin, Shapiro, Piasta & Moran
Law firm handling a variety of civil matters and specializing in labor and employment cases. Includes representative client list and FAQs.