Alioto, Angela for Mayor
Biography, news, calendar of events, endorsements, and how to get involved.
Chronicle Editorial Board Review: Matt Gonzalez
San Francisco Chroncile interview with mayoral runoff-election candidate. Site offers text and audio-video interview to questions and answers.
Connolly for Judge
Platform, endorsements, biography and contact information.
Feldstein, Lisa
District 5 supervisor candidate. Includes her position on the issues, endorsements, and contact information.
File: Willie Brown - Mayor
Background about the mayor of San Francisco
Gonzalez, Matt
Green Party Candidate in run-off election for mayor. Site features list of endorsements, issues, rally and events calendar, donations and volunteer information.
Mabel Teng
Currently serving her second term on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Teng was the first Chinese American woman elected to the Board.
Plan C San Francisco
A nonpartisan group of concerned San Franciscans, formed to advocate for public policies that will improve the quality of life in the city.
San Francisco Green Party
News, voter guide, meeting and event calendar, and volunteer information.
Sutro Tower Community Perspectives
Collection of information opposing expansion of the broadcasting tower on Twin Peaks.
The SF Progressive
Unabashedly left-wing coverage of the local political scene.
The Usual Suspects
"San Francisco's political homepage," covering local politics, elections, and governance.