english deutsch
Alliance Française de San Francisco
Learn French in SF. Links to other language resources as well.
American Academy of English
Offers classes in all areas of English as a second language. Classes in basic, beginning, intermediate and advanced English.
Casa Hispana
Beginning to advanced students in Spanish. Classes are private or group, weekday and weekend. All ages, classes for law, special course for health and safety professionals.
Centro Studi Italiani
Italian language books, exercises, readings on audio cassettes, and other instructional material to improve vocabulary, grammar, listening-comprehension, and pronunciation.
Goethe-Institut San Francisco
Offers an intensive program in German language courses, workshops and teaching material for teachers of German, and examinations to certify proficiency in German.
La Scuola Di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Italian on Saturday mornings. Children and adults are welcome from beginning to advanced levels. Special seminars are also provided on art and culture.
Live it Learn It INTRAX English Institutute
Study in San Francisco Intensive English ESL, TOEFL, TOEIC, Business English in San Francisco, San Diego and Chicago. We offer I-20 for F-1 visas.
Prometheum School of Language
Provides TEFL instruction. TEFL courses are taught by teachers with Master's degrees in EFL/ESL instruction.
Soko Gakuen
Courses in Japanese language for adults and children. Also a teacher training school.
St. Giles language Teaching Center
Courses in instensive English, business English, teacher training.