english deutsch
Alvarado School
Grades K through 5. Includes newsletter, Parent-Teacher Association contacts, and science curriculum for each grade.
Argonne Alternative Elementary School
A year-round school serving grades K through 5. Includes school statistics and pictures of art by students.
Bryant Elementary School
Administration details, special projects guide, classroom reports, and information on academic studies.
César Chávez Elementary School
Classroom news, program overview, and information on the activities and academics of the students.
Claire Lilienthal
Kindergarten through grade 8 alternative school. Includes mission statement, pictures of students' work, and special programs.
Clarendon Alternative Elementary School
Creative Arts Charter School K-8
San Francisco's only K-8 charter school. Arts-rich education for ages 5-13.
Edward Robeson Taylor Elementary School
Grades K through 5. Includes plan to connect classrooms to the internet and photos of staff.
Fairmount Elementary School
Classroom news, special projects guide, and student calendar.
Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy
Hillcrest Elementary School
Hillcrest Elementary School is located in the Portola Heights District of San Francisco.
John Muir Elementary
School news on academic programs and activities, faculty list, and information for parents and kids.
John Swett Alternative School
Lafayette Elementary
Classroom news, list of school faculty, community events, and teacher resources.
Lakeshore Elementary School
Leonard R. Flynn Elementary School
Miraloma Elementary School
Created by children ages 4-15 for children. Includes links, poetry, artwork, and information about the Argonne School.
Peabody Elementary School
Classroom news, student calendar, teacher reports, and contact information.
San Francisco Community K-8 School
Introduction to the students and staff, classroom news, and academic reports.