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Alpha of San Diego
Non-profit agency providing low-income families with food, vision screening, anger management and parenting skills classes, and counseling. Contact information.
Amor Ministries
Sends short term work teams to build homes in partnership with local churches in Mexico. Includes project locations, news, and contacts.
Bayside Community Center
Non-profit agency providing youth, senior, and family services in Linda Vista. Details about services, activities, and events.
Catholic Charities of San Diego
Offers counseling, medical referrals, baby clothing, and education on pregnancy, infant care, child development, budget and home management, and stress reduction.
CRASH - Community Resources and Self Help
Fights alcohol and other drug abuse problems by assisting individuals to become responsible and productive members of society. Mission, history, programs, volunteer opportunities, donations, and employment opportunities.
Father Joe's Villages
Offers homeless rehabilitation programs in San Diego at other locations in the Southwest, providing services such as education, job training, child care, medical and dental care, and addiction counseling. Includes information about programs and locations.
International Community Foundation
Benefits communities throughout the Americas and Asia Pacific. Information about grants and donations.
Project Concern International
Provides medical training, support, and health care to projects worldwide that promote the well-being of children and families. Programs, news, events, and contribution information.
San Diego Mediation Center
Alternative dispute resolution provider offering business, community, court, attorney, and divorce services. Information about services, events, and mediator training.
St. Vincent de Paul Village
Nonprofit organization providing meals, case management, counseling, chaplaincy, addiction treatment, health care, and other support services. Includes news, statistics, events, employment and volunteer opportunities, and donation needs. A member of Father Joe's Villages.
Technology Training Foundation of America
Provides donated computers to vocational schools for students to repair. Repaired equipment is then made available to schools and nonprofits. Information about donations and contacts.
Teen Help San Diego
A referral site for parents and family looking for help to find solutions to stop the abuse, drugs, violence, suicide, and other chaos in the family.
Wellstart International
Works to improve mother and infant nutrition world-wide by providing education to perinatal healthcare providers and services to breastfeeding families. Programs and publications.