english deutsch
Bayview Baptist Church
Worship schedule, directions, mission statement. Schedule of radio and TV broadcasts. Includes specific ministry pages and a page for ordering sermon tapes.
Bethel Seminary San Diego
Baptist seminary offering degrees in Master of Arts Programs, Master of Divinity Programs and Doctor of Ministry Programs.
Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. W. James Smith, Pastor. Includes directions, church news, beliefs, church history, ministries, study resources and Scripture. Also gives a list of sermons available on audiotape.
Canyon Ridge Baptist Church
Church led by Pastor Chris Chadwick. The site offers church description, ministry listing, service times, church events and directions.
Clairemont Emmanuel Baptist
Includes directions, staff bios, calendar, monthly newsletter, book suggestions and missionaries from the congregation.
College Avenue Baptist Church
Large church near San Diego State University. Church description, worship schedule, ministries, leadership team, testimonies and world outreach.
Covenant Baptist Church
Ministry and event calendar, live worship service broadcasts, beliefs and contact information.
Del Cerro Baptist Church
Service schedule, directions. Ministries listed by group. Prayer outreach, music, exploring the Bible.
East Clairemont Southern Baptist Church
Service times, directions, events, ministries, messages online and contact information.
First Baptist Church of Spring Valley
Pastored by Thomas Cassidy. Features directions, service times, doctrine statement and church description. (King James only Church)
First Chinese Southern Baptist Church of San Diego
English and Cantonese/Chinese worship services. Sunday schedule, fellowship opportunities, newsletter articles.
First Southern Baptist Church of San Diego
Worship services, music ministry, Sunday School and Bible study. Youth, senior and military ministries. Articles, photos, calendar.
Good News Baptist Church
Staff directory, weekly schedule, email.
Iglesia Gozosa
Associated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Gives staff listing, weekly schedule, and doctrinal statement in English and Spanish.
Linda Vista Second Baptist
Pastored by Dr. David C. Greene. Online sermons, Ministry, Event listings and Church Description.
Midway Baptist Church
Church description, history, service schedule, small groups, directions and ministries. Midway Baptist Middle School and Pre-School information.
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Services, departments, leadership, purpose and church history.
New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Beliefs, directions, staff, calendar. Conventions, bookstore, Hispanic ministry. Tape ministry, sermons in audio format.
Rancho Bernardo Baptist Church
Service schedule, map, statement of belief. Adult, youth and music ministries. Missions outreach, Christian resources. Sponsored Preschool/Daycare and Kindergarten
San Diego Seventh Day Baptist Church
Sabbath-keeping Baptist congregation. Worship schedule, pastor's message, ministries, youth.
TwentyNine: Eleven
Ministry for young adults post-college age through 28 years old, meeting at College Avenue Baptist Church. Information about activities and meetings.