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BodhiPath Buddhist Centers
Welcome to newcomers and offering ongoing meditation classes and retreats led by highly qualified Buddhist teachers and scholars of the Kagyu lineage.
Dari Rulai Temple
Learn Chinese buddhism, zen meditation, treasure vase, the medicine Buddha dharma, prajna akasagarbha and healing with master Yu Tian Jian, living buddha Dechan Jueren.
Dechen Ling Temple
Offers the teachings and practices of the Domang Tersar, the new treasures of Domang, a part of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan vajrayana buddhism.
Dharma at 'The Clubhouse'
A Karma Kagyu study and meditation group of Tibetan buddhist teachings. Includes event locations, times, and contact info.
Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara
The temple of the victory of truth carries on the theravada tradition of buddhism found primarily in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia.
Dharma Zen Center
Kwan Um School of zen buddhism founded by Korean master Seung Sahn. Provides schedule of classes, bookstore info and links to other centers.
Diamond Way Buddhist Group
Information about the diamond way buddhist center, founded by lama Ole Nydahl, and under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa, Thaye Dorje.
Don't Worry Zendo
An informal, friendly and non-sectarian meditation and spiritual study group.
Dzogchen Center
Dzogchen ? natural meditation ? is the consummate practice of the Tibetan buddhist tradition, yet transcends all cultural and religious contexts. Peer-led group under the spiritual direction of best-selling author lama Surya Das.
Friendship Center
Official SGI-USA community center open to both members and the local community. Check schedules, room reservations, and sign up for volunteer work.
Gay Zen Buddhist Group
The Group's purpose is to introduce interested persons to the teachings of Zen and to how a non-sexist and non-homophobic spiritual practice can enhance one's life. Contains informational links and contact and location information.
Hazy Moon Zen Center
Koun-ji Soto temple. Provides upcoming events, introduction, contact us, programs, schedule, teachings, photo gallery, affiliates, and publications.
Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple
Established by Rev. Junjyo Izumida, this Jodo-Shinshu buddhist temple offers English and Japanese services.
Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
A pure land, mahayana Japanese buddhist temple offering dharma talks, wedding and funeral services, seminars, and community programs.
Hsi Lai Temple
Founded by venerable master Hsing Yun, offers daily chanting and meditation services, language classes, and a listing of dharma talks, links, and letters.
InsightLA - Buddhist Meditation
Guided insight meditation - Vipassana - under the direction of Trudy Goodman, and a schedule of buddhist teachings and programs.
Khandakapala Buddhist Center
Teaches meditation in the new Kadampa tradition, lists meditation classes, and provides information, books, and links to other centers.
Nichiren Shoshu Temple Myohoji Schedule
Bulletin of local meetings, ceremonies, and upcoming events, announcements, and a book list.
Nichiren Shu Temple
Buddhist order founded by Nichiren Shonin. Materials on buddhism and sermons, information on services, events, and activities.
Rigpa Fellowship
Tibetan dzogchen organization founded by Sogyal Rinpoche offering buddhist events and courses.
Rinzai-ji Zen Center
An urban meditation center that offers daily Zen practice and annual ceremonies founded by Joshu Sasaki Roshi
Rissho Kosei-Kai
This Japanese buddhist church founded by Nikkyo Niwano, promotes the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha through sutra recitation and dharma talks.
Senshin Buddhist Temple
Offers the Prajna Light of Compassion newsletter, and contact information.
Shambhala Center
Shambhala training combines the teachings of the Kagyü and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan buddhism. Offers free meditation, news, and calendar of events.
Shantideva Society
United Assembly of Bodhisattvas promoting the works of Shanitideva. Offers complete translation of the Bodhicaryavatara, as well as a chat room, free email, and other links and resources.
The International Buddhist Meditation Center
Offers classes, zen meditation, and a residency program. Information on programs, schedule and photo gallery.
The Zen Center of Los Angeles
Founded by Maezumi Roshi. Includes information about ZCLA, instruction and study, bookstore, and contact and location information.
Unfettered Mind
Individual and group instruction in buddhist meditation methods. Includes articles and information on retreats and meditation methods.
Urban Dharma
Contains links, articles by Kusala Bhikshu and others, transcriptions of dharma talks, and listings of other buddhist centers and temples.
Zenshuji Soto Mission
A Soto Zen Japanese buddhist temple established by founder reverend Hosen Isobe. Provides zazen meditation, classes in taiko drumming, tea ceremony, calligraphy, and Japanese language.