LA Greens
The Los Angeles Green Party. Includes calendar, articles, merchandise and how you can volunteer.
Laws, Charlotte Ph.D.
Councilperson for Valley Glen. Includes a biography, meeting and event information, history of San Fernando valley & California and a list of publications.
Miller, Addie Mae
Community advocate and candidate for mayor in the 2001 and 2005 elections.Includes table of contents of personal pages.
Roberts, Vicki M for Judge
Candidate for Los Angeles Municipal Court Judge, Office No. 1, in November 2000. Contains photos, personal information, favorites, and contact link.
Stuart, David
Candidate for judge in the March 2000 election. Contains personal information and contact information.
Valley Vote
San Fernando Valley voters group, with the purpose of creating and independent Valley City. Includes information on meetings, agendas and activities.