english deutsch
Christ Church of India, Christ Episcopal Church, Congregation Beth Am, El Retiro San Inigo, First Baptist Church of Los Altos, Foothills Congregational Church of Los Altos, Grace Community Covenant Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Los Altos, California, (, Los Altos Union Presbyterian Church, Los Altos United Methodist Church
Girls Scouts Service Unit #8
Girl Scout Service Unit 8 of Santa Clara County (Los Altos, California) welcomes you to the world of Girl Scouting. Our job is to help you have a fun and fulfilling time as a Girl Scout.
Kiwanis Club
Calendar, officers, potato salad recipe and club history.
Los Altos Community Foundation
Charitable foundation. Lists officer and committee directories, minutes and bylaws.
Los Altos Educational Foundation
Non-profit fund-raising foundation for Los Altos School District. Lists budgets, programs and gifting options.
Los Altos Opinions Exchange
Forums on issues facing Los Altos and opinion polls.
Music For Minors
Non-profit organization which provides music enrichment programs for elementary schools from Burlingame to San Jose.
Rotary Club
Includes newsletter, member directory and contact information. Sponsors Fine Art Show and Pet Parade.
Troop 37
Boy scouts. Calendar, activities, newsletters.