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Action Legal Support Service
Provides legal process service in Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare, Kern, Merced, and Stanislaus counties.
Baker, Manock & Jensen
Specializes in many areas of practice including agribusiness, business litigation, family, personal injury, intellectual property, real estate, investment fraud, and tax compliance and litigation.
Bankruptcy Central
Firm specializing in Chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13 bankruptcies.
Baradat & Edwards
Concentrating on personal injury, product liability, medical malpractice, professional negligence and insurance law.
Caswell Bell and Hillison LLP
Fresno law firm for business law, litigation, real estate, tax law, bankruptcy, probate and estate planning.
Coleman & Horowitt, LLP
Civil litigation and transactions firm. Includes attorney profiles, newsletters and informational links.
Fishman, Larsen & Goldring
Lists areas of practice, including human resource consulting, provides attorney profiles.
Gerald Lee Tahajian
Offers counsel in matters of estate planning, probate, taxation and business law.
Jory, Peterson, Watkins & Smith
Litigation, labor and employment law. Describes firm and provides attorney profiles.
Joseph A. Uremovic
General civil trial practice in all state and federal courts specializing in agricultural, business, real estate and water rights. Includes European shipping agent and contact details.
Kimble, MacMichael and Upton
Firm has many areas of practice, including litigation, business transactions, and real estate.
McCormick Barstow Sheppard Wayte and Carruth, LLP
Specializes in business and personal planning, commercial and business litigation, employment law, insurance coverage and bad faith.
Nuttall Berman Attorneys
Accident attorneys. Provides general information and an inquiry form.
Ray Eggebraaten
CSR offering court reporting and legal video services. Includes staff and court reporter directory.
The Law Offices Of Weakley and Ratliff, LLP
Civil litigation firm concentrating on general negligence cases, public entities defense, and employment related litigation.
Wright Law Firm
Estate planning, wills, trusts and probate services.
Yohman, Parker, Kern & Nard
Litigation, Workers Compensation and insurance defense. Includes attorney profiles and web resource links.