Alta Bates Campus Shuttle
Find hours and maps for the free shuttle connecting the Alta Bates and Herrick Hospitals to the Ashby BART station.
Berkeley Path Wanderers Association
Community group dedicated to preserving pedestrian stairs and hidden alleys built for streetcar access in the early 1900's. Find maps to all 140 city-owned paths, walk schedules, and volunteer construction information.
Berkeley/East Bay Critical Mass
Unofficial information page for the loosely organized critical mass bicycle ride. Once a month cyclists ride in mass, complete with tunes and a couch.
Bicycle Civil Liberties Union (BCLU)
Pro-cycling advocacy group offers stories, legal referrals, and event listings.
Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition
Dedicated to making bicycling a safer, more convenient and more pleasant way of getting around town. Membership organization which offers a newsletter, and training for riders on courteous and safe riding techniques.
Bikestation Berkeley
Attended bicycle parking at the Downtown Berkeley BART station. Find hours, employee break times, and policies.
City of Berkeley: Office of Transportation
Describes the current and planned state of transportation infrastructure in the city. Includes sections on Berkeley's unusual traffic features, including the "Bicycle Boulevards" which are main streets for cyclists.
LNBL Bicycle Coalition
Support group for commuter cyclists who work at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in Berkeley. Find commuting tips and parking sticker information.
LNBL Shuttle
Route map and schedules for the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab shuttle, which connects to Downtown Berkeley BART. Open to lab and campus affiliates, and visitors.
New Proposals for a Berkeley Ferry
Advocacy site offering potential ferry designs, and detailed analysis of fuel efficiency of various proposals.
Pedal Express
Berkeley-based cooperative delivery service offering scheduled or on-call transport of goods up to 1,000 pounds.
University of California Berkeley Parking & Tr
All about travel to and within the UCB campus. Includes extensive information on the complex permit system, shuttles, and the after-hours public parking in campus lots.
West Berkeley Shuttle
Commuter shuttle from Ashby BART. Supported by Bayer, Wareham Properties, Parker Associates and other major employers.