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Friends of the Animals in the Redwood Empire
Provides many programs to help the animals in our community. Our goal with these programs is to increase adoptions and reduce the need for euthanasia at our local animal shelters. (California)
Humane Society of Sonoma County
The Society is a non-profit group dedicated to the welfare of animals. It is supported in large part by volunteers who are committed to making the shelter and its programs successful.
North Bay Canine Rescue & Placement
A group of people dedicated to rescuing dogs from crisis situations, some of which include euthanasia by animal shelters, neglect and other forms of abuse.
Pets Are Loving Support (PALS)
An agency organized to improve the quality of life of people with AIDS by preserving and promoting the human/animal bond through the care and maintenance of their animal companions.
Pets Lifeline
Small, private, non-profit animal shelter committed to rescuing homeless dogs and cats in the Sonoma Valley, and adopting them into new families.