American College of Surgeons, San Diego Chapter
Chapter activities and membership directory.
American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperia
Local branch of the American Lung Association. Health information about lung disease and health, plus local programs and services.
American Red Cross, San Diego/Imperial Counties
Services include disaster relief, first aid/CPR training, HIV/AIDS education, senior citizen transportation, and nutrition assistance.
Learning Disabilities Association San Diego
Local branch of national, non-profit organization working to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults of normal or potentially normal intelligence who manifest disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual, or coordinative nature. Workshops, events calendar, support groups, fact sheets, forums, and membership information.
San Diego County Dental Society
Organization of dentists practicing in the local area. Membership information, Find-a-Dentist, and links to sites about dental health.
San Diego County Medical Society
Members, hospitals and pharmacy directories, medical links to specialties and organizations.