Christ Episcopal Church
Includes calendar of events, worship information, christian education, church history, music programs, Alabama boys choir, outreach ministries, parish life section, and guestbook.
First United Methodist Church
Traditional services and a New Song alternative service, a computer center and library and several active ministries.
Forest Lake Baptist Church
Southern Baptist. Contact information, regular schedule of weekly activities, prayer request page, mission statement, information on the church's ministries, links.
Forest Lake United Methodist Church
Located in the Forest Lake community near University Place School. Calendar of events, worship schedule, missions reports, photos, and links.
Living Waters Metropolitan Community Church
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Riverwood Presbyterian Church, P.C.A.
A PCA congregation welcoming Christian brothers and sisters in Christ who are serious about their faith. - Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Saint Matthias Episcopal Church, Tuscaloosa
Includes Worship schedule, program information, teaching and learning, parish contact and related information, parish photographs and related links, including one to 'The Wellspring Center for Spiritual Formation'.
Temple Emanu-El
Member of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
The Capstone Church
Located on the campus of the University of Alabama. Includes services, staff, leadership, ministries, youth, sermons and a news letter.