Specializes in developing tools to automate and analyze manufacturing systems.
Book Systems, Inc.
Library automation software developer, cataloging services, data conversion, web-based OPAC, MARC record support, z39.50 modules, and other library automation software add-ons.
Britt Communications
A multimedia design company that specializes in the art of interactivity. Creating CD-ROMS, websites, and interactive displays (kiosks).
General Standards Corporation
Manufacturing high performance bus interface cards on PCI and PMC standards, as well as custom designs.
GigaParts, Inc.
Computer parts at reasonable prices. Building, repairing, and upgrading computer systems.
Global Majic Software
Produces ActiveX components that can be used with Visual Basic, C++, and Delphi. Components can be downloaded for free evaluation. Web site includes ActiveX help, FAQs, and tutorials.
NCI Logic Analyzers
Offering logic analyzers as effective tools for debugging and analyzing digital hardware and software problems.
Quantum 3D
Specializing in real-time 3D graphics visualization and simulation development. Providing product applications for real-time weapons systems performance analysis, training, and custom visual systems.
REM Systems, Inc.
Medical office management software for billing, patient recalls, and financial tracking.
Techni-Core System Services
Microsoft Certified Solutions Provider - Huntsville, Alabama.
Web Weavers
Web site design, development, maintenance, and site hosting.