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The Zapatista Uprising
Marcos, Subcommandante, Carlos Fuentes on Chiapas, Chiapas and the Zapatista Rebellion, Chiapas Timeline, Chiapas, And the Women?, Chiapas95, CIEPAC Maps of Chiapas, Death in Chiapas, Heart of the Message, Mediated Thought, Mexican Academy for Human Rights (AMDH) Bulletin A
Timeline and links bibliography of events in the state.
Chiapas Media Project
Bi-national partnership to provide video and computer equipment and training for indigenous communities. [English/French/Spanish]
Chiapas Relief
Seeking help for victims of flooding and other tragedies.
Fray Bartolome de Las Casas Human Rights Center
A non-governmental organization attempting to promote and defend human rights. Created by the San Cristóbal de las Casas Diocese, whose bishop is Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia.
International Service for Peace (SIPAZ)
Coalition of North American, Latin American, and European organizations formed in 1995 to support the peace process in Chiapas. [English/Spanish/French/German]
The Mayan Esteem Project.
Works for the recovery of stolen artifacts and the restoration of a pyramid site at Chilón. Photos and newsletters, with details of legal filings and organizational structure. [English/Spanish]