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Ancient Mesoamerican Writing, Aztec Manuscripts, Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Mixtec Culture, Stories of the Maya, The Aztec - Lords of the Earth, Tlahuica Culture Home Page
Astrophysical Plasmas: Codes, Models and Observati, Carl Sagan Observatory at Cerro Azul, Department of Astronomy, University of Guanajuato, Eclipse Chaser's Journal: Total Solar Eclipse, Institute of Astronomy at Morelia (UNAM), Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electr, National Astronomic Observatory at San Pedro Marti
Earth Sciences
Paleontology, Ancient Lake Jalisco and the Santiago River, Chicxulub Impact Crater, Earth Sciences Division - CICESE, Georeferenced Population Data Sets of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics, National Autonomous Unive, Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA), Nitrogen Fixation Research Center, Quintana Roo Speleological Survey, SALSA Mexico Campaign
Centro Ecologico Akumal, Environmental Issues in Mexico Under NAFTA, Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda, Institute of Ecology Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexican Lagoons, Michoacan Reforestation Fund, Save the Laja, United Nations Environmental Program
Rain Forests
PROAFT, Mexico's Forest Action Plan
A Dying Sea
A Sacramento Bee special report about the Sea of Cortez plagued by overfishing, greed, corruption, poverty and lawlessness, in 1995 and an update article on its state of well being in 1999
Professional organization in the field of Computer-Human Interaction, affiliated with ACM and the Mexican Society of Computer Sciences. Gives information on conferences, publications, officers and members.
Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature
Private foundation provides overview in English, complete information on meetings, projects, and associated organizations is available in Spanish.