1995 Leadership Results
Vote totals from the 1995 NDP leadership vote.
2001 NDP Federal Convention
Includes resolutions passed, speeches, position papers and a list of federal council members.
Briarpatch Magazine: 70th anniversary of the CCF
Article on the history and significance of the Cooperative Commonwelath Federation and the New Democratic Party.
CBC News - NDP Leadership Race
CBC summary of the results of the NDP leadership race held January 2-25, 2003. Archive of radio and TV reports related to the contest.
CBC News: NDP Timeline
Chronology of significant events in the history of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation and, its successor, the New Democratic Party.
CCF: The original reform movement
Eugene Plawiuk's essay on the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation.
Cooperative Commonwealth Federation - Wikipedia
Online encyclopedia entry.
Federal NDP Leaders
Biographical sketches of past leaders of the federal New Democratic Party. From the Douglas-Caldwell Foundation.
Herschel Hardin 1995 Leadership
Information from Hardin's 1995 run to be NDP leader.
History - New Democratic Party of Canada
Article by Brent Johner on the history of the NDP and its predecessor, the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation.
Leadership 1995 - Lorne Nystrom
Platform and policies of Nystrom's 1995 leadership campaign.
Leadership Watch
Feature of the Progressive Policy Canada website featuring articles profiling the candidates for the 2003 NDP leadership.
NDP History Page
Documents, articles and resources from the history of the CCF and New Democratic Party. Maintained by the Saskatchewan NDP. Includes articles on J. S. Woodsworth, M. J. Coldwell, Tommy Douglas and David Lewis.
NDP Launches Leadership Race
Press release that announced the NDP leadership race.
NDP Leadership Conventions
Results of previous CCF and NDP leadership votes from the party's inception to the latest contest.
NDP Rules for the 2003 Leadership Campaign
As approved by Federal Council of the New Democratic Party on July 7, 2002.
Regina Manifesto
Text of the 1933 founding document of Canada's Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (now the NDP).
The New Party is Forty Years Old
Article written in 2001 by Professor James Laxer of York University.