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CA - National Firearms Association of Canada
Political, legal, and gun safety information.
can.talk.guns FAQ List
Gun rights FAQ concerning the Canadian debate.
Canadian Firearms Centre
Government agency administering firearms registration in Canada offering online registration, instructions on how to register guns, statistics, research summaries, and information concerning Canada's firearms registration system.
Canadian Firearms Digest: Back Issues Archive
Archived newgroup posts on Canadian firearms laws and regulations, and their impact on hunting, shooting, and self-defense.
Coalition for Gun Control
Strives to reduce gun death, injury and crime, by supporting legislation and education.
Gun control in Canada
Details of gun control laws in Canada provided by Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Gun control in Canada - Church Council on Justice
A national coalition of faith-based individuals and churches who support gun control in Canada.
Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association (LUF
An advocacy group lobbying the federal government to rescind Canada's gun registration law (Bill C-68).
Majority Support for Gun Control - Environics Poll
The results of an Environics Research Group poll of Canadians on the issue of gun control. The majority of Canadians support gun control and the national firearms registry.
Non-Proliferation, Arms Control & Disarmament
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's homepage on small arms and light weapons issues.
Public Support for Gun Control
Quotes from law enforcement officials in favour of gun control in Canada.
Stand firm for gun control -IANSA Women's Net
Canadian women's groups urge political leaders to stand firm on gun control in this June 2004 public letter. Signed by over 70 women's organizations and leaders.
The Canadian Firearms Home Page
Details on Canadian firearm laws and regulations as well as evaluations of their effectiveness.
Victims of gun violence defend Canada's gun c
Victims of gun violence pledge to continue to defend Canada's gun control law.
Western Rights Team
Devoted to the repeal of Canadian gun laws.