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A Short Introduction to Tommy Douglas and his Gove
A semi-official history from the Saskatchewan NDP.
Douglas Elected New Party Leader
Contemporary newspaper account of the New Democratic Party's founding convention in 1961.
Douglas, Thomas Clement (1904-1986)
Article about the Baptist minister, politician and premier of Saskatchewan from the Canadian Encylopedia.
Federal NDP Leaders - Tommy Douglas
Article from the Douglas-Caldwell Foundation examining the career of Tommy Douglas.
Life & Times of Tommy Douglas - VHS
Documentary examining the life of the crusading politician available for purchase from CBC.
Medicare and Social Welfare: Tommy Douglas and the
Collection of audio, video, pictures and text from CBC Archives examining the career of the long time socialist Premier of Saskatchewan and founding leader of the New Democratic Party.
Political Reformer Thomas (Tommy) Clement Douglas
Information on the socialist politician from Canadian Hero.
The Future of Medicare
Excerpts from a 1982 speech by Tommy Douglas who is seen by many as the father of Medicare.
The Story of Mouseland
Socialist parable popularised by Canadian New Democratic Party founder Tommy Douglas calling for the mice of the world to unite and throw the cats out of power.
Tommy Douglas 1904 - 1986
Several articles examining the life and times of T. C. Douglas who was Premier of Saskatchewan from 1944 to 1961 when he became the first leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Site maintained by The Weyburn Review.
Tommy Douglas A Remarkable Canadian
Award winning essay by Kevin Wong.
Tommy Douglas Research Institute
An independent non-profit Canadian economic and social research and educational organization. Aims to redirect public attention to the respective role of both the large business sector and governments in providing for the well-being of Canadians.