123 Go Quebec
Information about information on hotels, motels, camping sites, outfitters, restaurants, shows and events in Quebec.
Canada Vacation Planner - Quebec
Provides an overview of information about Quebec, its regions, cities and local attractions, as well as a searchable directory of accommodations and tours.
Québec à la Carte - Les Éditions Escapades Inc.
Trip planning software for the province of Quebec, developed by a partnership of tourist associations. Includes maps, activity, restaurants, and accommodation directories.
Quebec Tourist Guide
A virtual trip illustrated with pictures and maps across the natural and historical sites of Quebec.
Quebec WorldWeb Travel Guide
Online hotel reservations, interactive maps and information about tours, attractions, restaurants, events, shopping, and weather.
Directory of tourist attractions, accommodations, cultural and recreational events and businesses in Quebec.
Saint-Hyacinthe Bureau de tourisme et des congrès
Official website contains information on tours, calendar of events, and accommodations. French version also available.
The Cities of Québec
A Tourisme Québec site featuring the sights, activities, events and histories of the province's four major cities; Montreal, Quebec, Laval and Hull/Gatineau
The Gourmet Route
Offers a taste of agrotourism and local delicacies, and features information about artisans, territories, products, news and events.
Tourisme Québec: Government of Québec Official Tou
Comprehensive and current listings of tourist attractions, special events and activities, shopping, dining, cultural events and religious tourism. Easy to navigate and very informative site.