À la Rêvasse
Bed and breakfast accommodations in a renovated older home in the town of Percé. Offers excursion packages. [English link at bottom of page].
Au Pic de l'Aurore Motel
Cosy chalets on the hillside overlooking Perce Rock, fully equipped with fireplace, kitchen and living area.
Hotel La Normandie
Accommodations and fine dining located directly on the beach in Percé, with ocean views of Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock. Lists rates and general information.
Manoir de Percé
Information about the accommodations, restaurant, and area attractions.
RES Tourism: Percé
Accommodations with a dining room and full bar service at each of 3 locations.
Riôtel Hotel Motel Restaurant
Accommodations with 12 guest rooms, restaurant and bar, with a view of Perce Rock.