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Art is Only For Those Who See
Features paintings and opinions from a Montreal-based artist.
The home of Luke Andrews, a Montreal-based graphic designer, web site producer. Featuring the blog, photography, writing and portfolio.
August Everywhere
The weblog of Lilly, a student, photographer, fan, and friend, and her (mis)adventures in Montreal.
Blue Crockatt's World Site
Showcases artistic talents and introduces friends and family.
Briques de Neige
A blog of a western Canadian anglophone who is now living in Quebec, and provides a journal of experiences.
Casey McKinnon
Photos, drawings, and essays by Casey and her friends.
Charles Deschenes
Photos of various models, products, children and real estate in Montreal.
Chinese Name: Wing Suen - English Name: Anita Siu
"For me, a homepage is a tool that I use to help me open up and to be more creative in life."
Costas Calogeropoulos
A photograph collection of trips around the world, and links to Greek sites.
Dear PM
Daily letters to the prime minister of Canada by visual artist Chris Lloyd. Artwork features candid portraits of politicians.
Doug Bastien
A personal website, featuring his personal, academic and professional life, a CV, news and events.
Dr. Shimon L. Dolan
Prof. of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Mgmt. at the School of Industrial Relations, University of Montreal.
Emru Townsend
Writer, web designer and reviewer. Links and portfolio.
Etherworks - The Home Of Brett Gaylor
Contains an active weblog, links, a projects portfolio, an extensive resume and archive.
Francisco Charrua
A web applications developer. Includes a personal photo gallery and video games.
Francois Major
Online Resume of an associate Professor at the Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle Université de Montréal.
Garrick's Palace of Stuff
Smileys, jokes, information about Canada, fortune, links, questions, quotes, and quizzes.
Gerald Ratzer
Professor and founding member of the School of Computer Science at McGill University.
Gina Georgousis
An animator and artist working at the National Film Board. Includes a photo gallery, portraits, artwork, contracts and CV.
A group of friends and beer-swilling party animals of Montreal and Chateauguay.
Jacques LaFreniere, Horticulture Columnist
Links to Jacques LaFreniere's published articles. Former Head of Educational Services at Montreal Botanical Gardens.
Katayfa Phanthavong
A Web Designer's blog who is also known as "Stick" or "Intellekt". Photo gallery, links and guest book.
Kenny Tang, C.A.
Canadian Chartered Accountant (CA) - his resumé.
Leo Kuvayev's homepage
Leo Kuvayev's web site contains bio info and opinions, extensive photo gallery, live web cams from home and office, girlfriend application form, and iq tests.
Louai Munajim
Software developer and artist. Includes collections of smileys, games, screensavers and icons.
Luc Devroye
Professor of computer science at Mcgill University, his resume lists interesting resources, including a FONT link page and nonparametric estimation information.
Mark Shainblum
Personal desk of writer and artist Mark Shainblum, founder of ANGLOMAN.(A Quebec ethnic minority superhero)
Martin Paul Beaulieu
Music composer and producer. Lists his biography, audio files, work and CV.
Mechanical Redefinition - Who is Reon?
"This is my second homepage and this one show pretty much about everything that I can do."
mikel dot org
Michael Boyle's weblog.
MoronBrothers' Homepage
Phil, Ben and Luc talk About graffiti, snowboarding and skateboarding.
My Cosmos, Mona Elborei - Blog
Includes info on indy media, Socialist News, Concordia debating, Socialist News, links to other blogs
Nickname: Boby, the People's Choice
"Know your role and surf the most electrifying site on this green earth."
Peter Anthony Holder
Peter Holder is a Montreal Broadcaster with CJAD and a freelance writer, much of his work is displayed here.
Peter Maniatis and Family
Information about a family and their roots in Greece from the early 1900's.
Rachel Jacklyn Bilodeau
Rachael takes you for a family tour, through her rose garden, into her opera album and other places too. Includes a Montreal resource page.
Radu Niculescu
Pictures and personal news from a family in Montreal.
Robert Fournier, Photography Gallery
Gallery showing work done in Asia and Canada, themes that touch Robert particularly.
Shawn Campbell Family and Photos
A teacher, musician and search engine optimizer who has travelled around the world. Includes an extensive family tree and photographs.
Starr Family Page
Alicia, Thomas, Katherine and Jonathan Starr. Home and history, also links to places they find interesting.
Stephen Talko
Area weather data, reviews, life, math, tcl programs, and java programs designed by Steven.
Steven Winikoff
Steve's text only site, including his employment information (I.T./I.S. Concordia University ) and what he does in his off hours.
the mEp
The historical view of a thirty-something Montreal woman of Acadian heritage. Contains no allergens.
ThisBoyIsToast.nu 2002
TBIT is David, currently a Montreal-based wanderer, Web Designer and a D&D player with a deep fondness for the Caves of Chaos
Underneath the Lemon Tree
Thoughts and writings from Montreal poet and author Adrian Speyer.
United Nation SM
Information about techno parties by a resident in Montreal, including photos and future events.
Valentin Bujanca
Personal page, photo links and contact info.
A young man from Ahuntsic, includes photos of family and friends and links of interest.
Yves Leblanc
Yves Leblanc, hydrogeologist and member of the APGGQ. Photos, links, resume and services.