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Association Québécoise Méthode Danis Bois
Includes students and practitioners who study Fasciatherapy, the body's internal movements as a source of vitality and health. Lists therapists and describes the therapy.
ChiroWeb.net: Quebec Chiropractor Directory
Provides names and addresses of chiropractors listed by city or in some cases by boroughs.
Dry Bed Method
Offers treatment for bed wetting.
Farha Foundation
AIDS fundraising organization. History and background, special events, facts on AIDS in Quebec, and press releases.
Agency responsible for recruiting donors, organizing blood donor clinics, screening every unit of blood donated and preparing blood components for Quebec hospitals.
L'Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Qu
Represents and supports programs for dentists in Quebec. Includes detailed information about its programs and membership information.
Laflamme and Associates
Providing audiologic evaluations, diagnostic testing, and sales and service of hearing aids. Includes details of staff and services, and contact information for clinics in several cities. [French and English]
Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation
Promotes individual and community awareness of health issues in Quebec, and works to have people and governments adopt a preventive approach to the problems of disease and poverty.
Lymphedema Association of Quebec
A support group for people with lymphedema, a chronic swelling condition due to accumulations of lymphatic fluid, and encourages education and research into the disorder.
Osteoporosis Quebec
General information on various aspects of osteoporosis and bone health. Includes Quebec and Canadian health links and contact information.
Quebec Poison Control Centre
Its main services, which are available around the clock, are a telephone information line, specialized medical consultations,and toxicological analyses.
Quebec Professional Orthotherapist Association
People interested Orthotherapy, a principle of both bilateral and segmental muscular re-stabilization. Provides a list of members and requirements for admission, as well as information about Orthotherapy and treatments.
Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec
The board that administers the provincial health and drug programs. Most of the pages are French, but there is an English page with contact information, and some of the French pages have links for English pdf documents.
Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé
Quebec's contribution to the Healthy Cities movement, sponsoring projects to improve the quality of life of citizens by adapting to the community's specific needs and resources. Outlines programs and member municipalities.
Santé Vous Bien
A radio program broadcast on the RadioMédia network dealing with health issues. Includes archives of recent programs and related articles, mostly in French.
The Child, Youth and Family Health Network
A network of Pediatric health care professionals and organizations in Quebec , coordinated by The Montreal Children?s Hospital. Features information about programs and outreach activities, including Telehealth and referrals.