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Ambassador Paralegal
Offers representation in Court throughout the Essex, Kent and Lambton area at more affordable rates than those of lawyers.
Burgio and Associates
A firm specializing in U.S. and Canadian immigration matters, providing assisting in securing employment authorizations, permanent residence status, student and visitor visas.
Goulin and Patrick
A partnership with expertise in corporate, real estate, estate law, criminal law and procedure, business law and management.
Greg Monforton and Partners
Law firm specializes in personal injury, product liability, and medical malpractice cases.
Kenneth W. Golish
An attorney providing representation for criminal defense matters and legal counsel for immigration to Canada and the USA. Site has articles about legal matters, information about Windsor and reference material.
Mousseau DeLuca McPherson Prince, LLP
Provides legal counsel and assistance in all areas of law. Introduces its senior staff, includes the firm's history and news.
Porter Matthews, LLP
Specializes in immigration law, and provides the rules and regulations to allow proper immigration to Canada or the United States.
Saverpierre Maggio
Walk-in law firm. Site contains prices as well as contact information and hours of operation.
Sid Hurst & Associates Inc.
Offering private polygraph services.