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Berieved Families
Provides on line support for families grieving loved ones.
Glenn Boyes Counseling
Life coach and counsellor committed toward the personal wellness of each individual, and specializing in personal, marital/family, and grief counseling. Also provides services in philosophical, spiritual and self-awareness development.
Grand River Regional Cancer Centre
Provides cancer care and support in a partnership between Cancer Care Ontario and the Grand River Hospital.
Independent Living Centre
Outlines programs and services available, membership, and contacts.
Love Your Heart - Welcome To Action On Heart Healt
Waterloo Regional Health Department initiative offering information on healthy eating, smoke free living and exercise activity.
Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region
Information about local programs, online resources and links to other sexual health resources, about subjects including contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy options and healthy relationships.
The Community Care Access Centre of Waterloo Regio
Information about services including nursing, homemaking, occupational therapy and other health and wellness resources available at various locations in the Region.
Waterloo Region Palliative Care
Provides palliative information and consultation by a multi-disciplinary team.