Cast for Kids Childcare Centre
Daycare promoting the healthy development of children and families. Provides information about admission and special programs.
Diana Home Daycare
Child care hosted by an ECE-certified professional. Provides childcare approach, a sample daily schedule, map, fees and online games.
It's Playtime Inc.
Colourful, spacious indoor playground for toddlers to age 8. Lists package rates, activities and special events.
Little Hearts Child Care
Provides professional child care services to parents while shopping or working in Yorkdale Mall.
MegaFun 4 Kids
A family-friendly indoor playground. Provides information about upcoming events, facilities, and rates including party packages.
The Kinder Garden In The Beach
An indoor playground with toys and activities for kids aged 0 to 5. Also available for parties, meetings and events.
The Peanut Club
Offers an indoor play environment during the day and private parties for kids age 6 months to seven years old in the evenings and weekends.
Tot World Child Care Centre
A non-profit child care centre located in Yorkwoods Public School in North York. Licensed to admit children 18 months to 9 years of age.