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Imperius Dental Laboratory Ltd., Oral Care and Social Implications, Your Teeth For A Lifetime Foundation
Aboriginal Recruitment Coordination Office
Matching Aboriginal peoples and employers in the Health and Social Services sector of Ontario, Canada.
Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay
Improving the quality of life of persons with Alzheimer Disease or a related dementia and their caregivers. Site includes information on counselling, support, education, news and links.
Anishnawbe Mushkiki
Agency is an Aboriginal primary health care facility. Site information includes mandate, programs, contacts, and services.
ATB: AIDS Thunder Bay
Community-based organization dedicated to confronting HIV/AIDS and related issues. through prevention, support, education and advocacy. Information includes, news, services, links and contact information.
Avenue II
Non-profit organization that provides one on one support to individuals with a developmental disability. Information about programs and services, profile of the month, and mission statement.
Balmoral Park Veterinary Clinic
The site lists services, staff, poisonous plants and common pet health topics.
Canadian Hearing Society of Thunder Bay
Agency provides services that enhance the independence of deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people, and encourage prevention of hearing loss. Site includes information on services, community events, news, volunteer program, and links.
Canadian Mental Health Association - Thunder Bay B
Provides support for individuals and families living with mental illness. Programs include, social activities, rehabilitation, education, training, criminal justice diversion, and a 24 hour 7 days a week crisis response hot-line.
Catholic Family Development Centre
Non-profit family service agency. Information on services, including counselling, parent education and support, family violence survivor groups, and marriage preparation and enrichment.
Centre of Excellence
Provide services for children and adolescents with special needs. Early intervention, nutrition, substance abuse and mental health service.
Committee to End Woman Abuse
A collaborative community response to end women abuse. Site includes definition of abuse, mission statement, list of committee members, and discusses the role of a membership commitment.
Community Care Access Centre
Non-profit organization providing ease of access to community and health care services. Features information about services, eligibility criteria, mandate, philosophy, and events.
Confederation College Fitness Centre
Offer on-line court booking, membership purchasing, and fitness class registration.
Fair Start
The organization screens children18 months to school age for your child's motor, hearing, speech and language skills, their behavior and general development.
George Jeffrey Children's Treatment Centre
Provide support to children and youth with disabilities and special needs, and to enhance their participation in all facets of community living. The site lists programs and services.
Health Sciences North
Provides education programs for health professions dedicated to working and living in the North. Services include professional development as well as community development strategies for recruitment and retention of health care workers in Northern communities.
Hospice Northwest
A volunteer organization providing palliative care and bereavement support to residents of Northwestern Ontario.
Independent Rehabilitation Management Inc.
Offer vocational and medical services for persons suffering from brain injury, spinal cord and amputations.
Specialized residential solvent abuse treatment facility for Canadian First Nation youth between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five. Admission details, mission statement, and descriptions of traditional treatment approaches.
Lakehead Regional Family Centre
Agency which provides a variety of services, support, and educational opportunities for families and children in conflict. Many services including residential treatment, court services, and day treatment programs.
Lakehead Social Planning Council
Non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening the community. Directory of services, list of goals and links are included.
Lakehead University - Northern Educational Centre
Established to facilitate a collaborative effort to learn more about the aging process & its relation to health & well-being. Includes descriptions of programs and provides contact information.
LU First Response
Provides emergency medical assistance to all students, faculty, staff and visitors of the Lakehead University Community. Site includes information on applications, events, history, contacts, and links.
Northern Cancer Research Foundation
Provide research funding for cancer and education for patients and the public. The site lists history, news and upcoming events.
Northwestern Ontario Regional Cancer Centre
Provides cancer treatment, care, and education. Includes information about available programs and services, press releases, list of career opportunities, and articles about cancer.
Our Kids Count
Agency which promotes children's health and development. Information on community kitchens, play groups, budgeting, prenatal, breast feeding, community gardens, and home visiting programs.
P.U.S.H. Northwest
Consumer driven cross-disability organization addressing all issues of independent living, access and opportunity. Information on access, current events, programs, supports, and links.
Port Arthur Clinic
Health Center features scheduled appointments as well as walk in services. Information on service delivery, referrals, appointment information, history of the center, and links.
Pumpuii Online
Sells health and protein supplements. The site has an online catalog with photos and prices.
Ross Pilates Fitness Studio
Pilates and Yamuna Body Rolling classes, taught by certified instructors.
St. Joseph's Care Group
Provides programs and services in complex chronic care, rehabilitation, long term care, supportive housing and longer term mental health. Other information on specific services, health tips, volunteer opportunities and links.
Stride Orthopaedics and Footwear
Offer Pedorthist service and health products that offer immediate relief from painful foot conditions, custom foot Orthotics and orthopaedic brace fittings.
Teenwavez - Facts and information on Teen topics
Offers information for teens on topics such as, smoking, substance abuse, sex (STDs and birth control), nutrition, and body image.
Thunder Bay Audiology
Clinic provides hearing assessments and hearing aids. Site information includes contacts, repair depot, FAQ, and links.
Thunder Bay Boys & Girls Club
Agency aims to enhance the quality of life for children and youth between the ages of four to eighteen. Site describes mission statement, history, breakfast club, outreach programs, summer programming and links.
Thunder Bay Commandery, Order of Saint Lazarus
Agency address the needs of those with terminal illness. Site includes link information on respite care, home care, pastoral support, education and support groups.
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
The health unit exists to provide health information that will protect the health of the citizens, investigate health hazards, respond to the outbreak of disease and advocate for healthy public policy.
Via Vitae
Palliative care agency whose volunteers provide compassionate support to individuals who are facing a life-threatening illness. Site information describes philosophy, services, referal process and volunteer recruitment.
Victoria Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Rob Trevisan provides chiropractic health care. Site provides information on health conditions, fitness, ergonomics, orthopedic supports, contacts and newsletter.
Provides personalized respite care support services. Information on mission statement, services, a self help package, and volunteer opportunities.