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Bala Place Bed and Breakfast, Heritage House Bed and Breakfast, Howard Johnson Hotel and Conference Centre, Omi's Haus Bed and Breakfast, Quality Hotel Parkway Convention Centre, Springbank House Bed and Breakfast Inn, St. Catharines Niagara Suites Hotel, The Capri Inn, Woodward House
2003 Value Vacation Guide St. Catharines
A holiday planning guide with some of the area's most popular attractions assembled into value vacation packages, provided by the City of St. Catharines.
Brinkman Travel
Individual and group air, land, and sea travel arrangements. English, Dutch, and German speaking staff.
City of St. Catharines Tourism Services
Details shopping, dining, accommodations, attractions of historical interest, entertainment and local festivals.
Dynasty Limousine
Fleet service available throughout Niagara region for weddings, proms, graduations, airport delivery and pickup, casinos trips, corporate requirements, and other special occasions.
Old Port Dalhousie
Promotional site put together by local Business Association. Includes description of area, attractions, accommodations, and on-line enquiry form.
Sol Travel
Business and vacation travel services. Bookings available for the Caribbean, Central and South America, the UK, and Europe.
St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre
Located at Lock 3 with viewing platform. Features include video of Welland Canal history, Underground Railway collection, and museum shop. Education programs and guided tours available.
St. Catharines Transit
Public transit services in St. Catherines and Thorold, with detailed route maps and links to shopping centres, downtown businesses and key hubs.
Tuxedo Tours
Runs day trips and bus tours from and to Niagara Region, and lists interesting sites and things to do in the area.