english deutsch
Abacus Safety
Company specializing in computer based training programs in such subjects as workplace health and safety, time management, and due diligence. Also provides multimedia marketing services.
Amalgamated Collection Services Inc.
Registered and bonded agency handling consumer and commercial collections.
Beatties Stationery
Long established local provider of office supplies with roots going back to 1860. Stationery, furniture, business machines, office design and space planning, technical service, and repairs. Online ordering facility now available.
Brock Office Automation
Analog and digital copiers, fax machines, laser printers, application software, and related products.
DMH Photography
Commercial studio specializing in service to small and medium sized businesses. Photos and illustrations for advertising and product catalogues.
Graphix Works
Custom design and production of marketing and promotional materials.
J.J. Lee Printing Co. Ltd.
Full service commercial printers. Letterpress, bindery, finishing. Brochures, business forms and cards, letterheads, envelopes, and other office stationery.
Lex Parker Design Consultants
Interior design and space planning. Offices, stores, restaurants, hotels, medical centres, and other corporate areas.
Lindley & Geddie
Local full service advertising agency, now associated with Noel Levitz, Canada.
Niagara Bailiff Services
Process serving, vehicle and equipment recovery, property appraisals, landlord and tenant services.
Patricia A Olson
On-site computer training and analysis for ensuring optimum office productivity.
The Burke Group
Executive, senior management, and professional searches. Temporary office staffing. Advice and assistance with downsizing and outplacement needs.