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Memories of the Soo
Anglican Diocese of Algoma, Bethany Baptist Church, Blessed Sacrament, Central United Church, Church of Christ, Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle?, First Baptist Church, Holy Trinity Church, Sault Churches, St. Gerard Majella
Building An Extraordinary Community
Description of the project, publications, ways to become involved and current information.
Children's Rehabilitation Centre Algoma
Provides services and programs for children and young people with long-term disabilities. Describes its services and lists staff contacts and general contact information.
Community Living Algoma
Resources for individuals with developmental disabilities as well as for families, friends and others who are affected.
Credit Counselling Service of Sault Ste. Marie and
Provides practical assistance and guidance to people with debt and money management problems.
Crime Stoppers of Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma Dist
Crime of the week, local statistics, information about the program and how to support it.
District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Board
Explains what the Board does, the services they offer and shows the budget.
Humane Society
Promotes a caring family attitude towards the caring and responsible ownership of all companion animals through the implementation of media programs and various publications and adoption kits.
Indian Friendship Centre
Provides recreational, social and educational programs and services for aboriginal people, and lists its location and history.
John Howard Society of Sault Ste. Marie and Distri
An organization dedicated to effective, just and humane responses to crime and its causes. Lists its programs, fact sheets and information in their library.
Learning Disabilities Association of Sault Ste. Ma
Provides information, referral services, operates a resource centre, and advocates for persons with learning disabilities.
Ontario Genealogy Society - Sault Ste. Marie and A
Promotes, encourages and fosters the study of genealogy and original genealogical research in the District of Algoma.
Rotary Club of?Sault Ste. Marie
Club activities, events, projects and names of the current officers and directors.
Sault Ste. Marie Musicians Association
Current officers, contact information and area of coverage.
Sault Ste. Marie Police Service
Complete information including meeting times, organization chart, job opportunities, statistics and news releases.
United Way of Sault Ste. Marie
A human care charitable organization, which is facilitating building an extraordinary community to address priority issues of poverty, health, crime and employment.
Youth On-Line Club
A children's site for safe internet surfing. Club information, message board and child safe links.