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9th sphere, Center Point Media, DataGlider, DAW Web Solutions Inc., DiscoverSolution, EICSOFT, Field of Webs.com Ltd., Imageidea.ca, IntactMedia Inc., J&G Marketing Solutions
Allied Tek
Sells discounted off-lease Dell computers and peripherals.
Offers a web-based appointment scheduler for professionals and businesses requiring reservations or appointments. Includes online demonstration, system requirements, features and pricing.
Blue Link Associates Limited
Corporate, product and contact information for software for business, accounting and e-commerce suitable in small through medium-sized businesses.
CADD Systems
Specializes in AutoCAD solutions and applications in hardware, software, user training, technical support, customizing and consulting for the design and drafting community.
Commtech Cabling Services
Installs data, voice and fiber optic cabling. Provides product details, company profile and contact information.
Cowley and Associates
Develops and implements customer relationship management (CRM) software solutions, and includes tours of the features of their product packages.
Crystal Clear Consulting
Ontario-based consultancy specializes in Crystal Reports software. Learn about its training, deployment, and integration services or request a quote.
Faircube Networks Inc.
IT design and consulting company providing small business solutions including B2B, B2C e-commerce systems, application design and development services, branding, and consulting.
Halex Technology Consulting Inc
Offers a variety of information technology services, including consulting, software development, web hosting and telephone interactive voice response systems.
HS Computing
Retail computer store offering networking solutions, custom built computers, technical support and repair services.
My Home Network.ca
Offers a variety of technological assistance and solutions for home and office, including networking, repairs and upgrades, backups, e-commerce and websites.
On the Spot Solutions
Offers information technology help for small to medium sized businesses operating in greater Toronto and internationally.
P.S.T. Industries
Offers computer support services for home and small businesses. Services includes system recoveries, IT project support and consulting, desktop administration, data management. Contact information provided.
Offers experienced technical support and knowledgeable IT services to help individuals, businesses and organizations safeguard their computers and data.
TarkTech Solutions
Offers search engine optimization services, web design solutions for any business, translation service and includes resources about web design, SEO and internet marketing.
Techorium Computing
Offers a variety of products including USB and firewire hubs and extenders, VGA cables and splitters, adapters for Sun and Mac, and Cat5 cable. Lists products, location and search function.
The CompeteUS Professional Software
Independent life insurance policy and cost comparison software. Offers product information and demonstration version for download.
Develops and provides software that transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
ZFC Technical Services
Provides networking, webhosting and web applications and a range of IT services for small and medium businesses in Toronto and York Region.