CHEO Foundation
A charitable organization raising funds for the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Events, activities, past uses of funds, current campaign and foundation information.
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Ottawa.
Hair 4 Lymphoma
A fundraising campaign to benefit the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation. Information about activities, a woman undergoing treatment, the foundation, and lymphoma is provided.
Loeb Health Research Institute
Basic and clinical research facility of the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus. Contains information about programs, employment and research.
Montfort Hospital
Fully bilingual full-service hospital. Summary of services, plus press releases, partnerships and foundation information. [English and French]
Ottawa Hospital
Offers high quality primary (general), secondary (specialized) and tertiary (most advanced) health care services.
Ottawa Hospital Foundation Home Lottery
Fundraising to benefit Ottawa Hospital capital projects and research. Proceeds, prizes and rules information.
Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre
Part of the Ottawa Hospital involved with research and treatment, run by Cancer Care Ontario. Includes news, career section, and information about various treatments for patients, professionals and researchers. [English and French]
Queensway Carleton Hospital
General hospital and walk-in clinic services in west Ottawa. Profile, services and clinics information, current news, career and volunteer information.
Motel-type facilities for families of patients at Ottawa hospitals. Run as non-profit project by Rotary Club. Facility, rates, location information.
Royal Ottawa Hospital
Provides specialized mental health assessment and treatment in both official languages for adults, adolescents and children with a mental illness.
Saint-Vincent Hospital
One of three sites of SCO Health Service providing long-term care. Programs, facilities, events information. [English & French]
Sisters of Charity Ottawa Health Service
St. Vincent's and Elizabeth Bruyere hospitals. Information about services, the foundation, current news and community is provided.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
A regional referral Cardiac Centre for eastern Ontario and Canada's only complete Cardiac Institute, encompassing research, prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and educational programs.