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Adult Children Anonymous
Information for and about adult children of alcoholics. Articles, meeting information, humour pages.
Allergy and Environmental Health Association (Otta
Information site for people with environmental sensitivities.
Alzheimer Society of Ottawa
Programs and services for individuals, families and care providers. Profile, meeting information, calendar, resource articles and links are presented.
Aphasia Centre of Ottawa
Programs dedicated to supporting and facilitating life adjustment and community reintegration of persons affected by aphasia. Services, FAQs, volunteer information provided.
Birthright of Ottawa
Confidential counselling, pregnancy tests and assistance during unplanned pregnancies. Full list of services, location map and contact details are presented.
Breast Cancer Action - Ottawa
A survivor-directed group joined in purpose to inform, educate and support women and men living with breast cancer, their families and the community. News, profile, resource information.
Canadian Celiac Association - Ottawa Chapter
Self-help for celiac-diagnosed individuals and families. Profile, local resources, meetings information.
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Ottawa Chapt
Volunteer organization to aid afflicted individuals, families and care givers. Profile, events and resources information.
Canadian Study on Health and Aging
University of Ottawa and Health Canada study. Information for researchers, health institutions and general public.
Compassion in Action
Foundation supporting sufferers of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia with goal of care centre. Site provides disease and foundation information, plus links to resources.
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada - Ot
Assistance to afflicted individuals, plus families and care givers. Organization, meeting and volunteering information.
Fibromyalgia Information & Local Support - FMS
Fibromyalgia information and local support group information.
Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carlet
Volunteer and self-help organization. Purpose, FAQs, membership information,library listing, services directory, news and articles.
Lifetime Networks Ottawa
Association for families who have a family member with a disability.
Lobby Group for Breast Cancer Reconstruction
Promoting awareness of immediate reconstruction availability at the time of a mastectomy.
Ottawa Anaphylaxis Support Group
Support and information-sharing group for parents of children with severe allergies. Group and meeting information, plus articles and internet links
Ottawa Heart Beat
Offers heart health information and healthy living web links.
Ottawa Thyroid / Thyroïde Ottawa
Volunteer organization promoting awareness among the general public about thyroid conditions. Member, volunteering and local information resources.
Parkinson Society Ottawa
Local information, fund-raising and support. Profile, FAQs, links.
Planned Parenthood Ottawa
Educational, counselling and informational services in family planning. Descriptions of programs, sexual education information, history, and membership and volunteer details.
Real Time Cancer
The ongoing story of Geoff Eaton's fight against leukemia.
Saunders-Matthey Foundation
Volunteer organization for breast cancer research. Profile, events information, FAQs, research and contribution information.
The AIDS Committee of Ottawa
A community-based, non-profit organization providing free, confidential services for people infected with HIV.
The Centre for Sleep and Dream Studies
Sleep disorders therapy and dream interpretation. Site includes descriptions of services and an online store featuring sleep related products.
The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa - Never shake a baby!
Video production about Shaken Baby Syndrome. Site has video information, syndrome information and web links.
The Micronutrient Initiative
Organization working to eliminate micronutrient malnutrition. Site has organization profile, current work, nutrition news, resources, contacts and career information.