3H Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Wei Yuan's clinic offers acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbs, tuina and Qi Gong. Discusses treatments, health and offers a locator map.
Ann Ohlmacher
Body-centered counselor and practitioner of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. Includes profile, information about method, and testimonials.
Apple Hill Wholistic Centre
Teaching clinic open to students of homeopathy and professional homeopaths who are seeking to gain clinical experience. Includes profiles of practitioners.
Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Specializes in the treatment of chronic complaints by addressing an individual's emotional and physical traumatic timeline using a Heilkunst approach to homeopathic medicine.
Balance Centre
The office and yoga studio of Brenda Rosenberg P.T., CST, CPIA, helping individuals achieve balance through Craniosacral therapy, yoga, and feng shui.
Canadian Holistic Nurses Association
Nurses and allied professionals following holistic health practices. Organization, membership, contact and philosophy information.
Hahnemann Center for Homeopathy and Heilkunst
Offers courses for those wishing to study homeopathy generally or to become homeopathic practitioners. Includes information about the courses and homeopathy in general, news and events.
Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst
Focused on the study of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's medical system (Heilkunst). Includes articles, listing of events, resources and an online version of the Heilkunst Journal.
Holistic Balance Inc.
Makers of 'Pain Away Energy Pad', and Reiki, Ping Hin therapists.
Jennifer Westbrook
Offers Reiki, aromatherapy massage and reflexology. Fee schedule and descriptions of services are included.
Julie Desmarais & Associates
Reiki massage, lifestyle coaching, holographic sessions and relaxation therapy.
Li's Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Acupre
Dr. Li Pan practises chinese medicine and neuro-immunology. Lists treatments and location and offers further information on acupunture.
Master Within
Holistic healthcare philosophy and treatment. Profile, treatment information and resource links.
Natural Health Therapies
Holistic foot and other therapies. Profile, services and prices information.
New Foundations Holistic Health Clinic and Yoga St
Yoga studio, holistic treatments and advice. Profile of services, yoga classes, and the proprietor.
Ottawa Alternative Health Care
Total body modification, contact reflex analysis, craniosacral therapy and emotional healing techniques. Profile, patient stories, and service details.
Pete Bernard - Algonquin Shaman
Specializing in spiritual healing & energy medicine, available for private consultations and group sessions. Services and sessions information, testimonials.
Reflexology on the Rideau
Reflex-stimulative therapies for wellness by Practicioner Shauna Mattie in rural setting. Profile, FAQs, rate information and testimonials.
Riverside Acupuncture & Wellness Centre
Acupuncture, chinese herbal therapy, shiatsu, tui na, and Thai massage by certified practitioner. Profile, including descriptions of all services.
The Feldenkrais Method of Michael Kadlec
Neuro-muscular training/therapy promoting body movement and wellness. Method information, plus practicioner information.
The Wellness Centre
Services include hypnotherapy, EMF Balancing, reiki treatments and classes, and iridology. Testimonials and contact details are available.