Citizens for Responsible Development in Kingston, Frontenac-Kingston Council on Aging, Kingston and Frontenac Elder Abuse Task Force, OPIRG Kingston, Queen's Coalition Against Corporate Globaliza
Clubs and Lodges
Kingston Amateur Radio Club, Kingston Area Order of Sorcerors, Kingston Chess Club, Kingston Historical Society, Kingston Photographic Club
Greater Kingston Crime Stoppers, Katarokwi Native Friendship Centre, Kingston Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, Kingston Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS, Kingston District Community Information Centre, Kingston District Safety Council, Kingston Humane Society, Kingston Military Family Resource Centre, Narcotics Anonymous, Seniors Association
Bittu George for Kingston City Council, Councillor Don Rogers, Kingston Electors, Kingston Greens, Peter Milliken, MP
Cathedral Church of St. George, Anglican, Koimisis Tis Theotokou, Looking Unto Jesus - Limestone Church of Christ, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Mary's Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sydenham Street United Church
Jaywalker Magazine of the Arts
A free, monthly, submission-based magazine of the arts serving the Kingston area.
Kingston / 1000 Islands Crime Stoppers Inc.
Information web site for local crime investigations for which the police need some tips.
Kingston Community Resources
Addresses and some links to resources in the area.
Kingston Roots
Directory of useful genealogy, history and culture links for exploring your Kingston, Ontario heritage.
Queen's University Faculty Association
Certified bargaining agent for all Queen's faculty, librarians and archivists.
The Kingston Historical Society
Organization promoting the history and heritage of Kingston. Articles, society information, photo gallery.
Town-Gown Relations
Student Residents-Community Liaison Office. Advice aimed at students to help them live in the Kingston community.
Volunteer Kingston
Organization promoting and facilitating volunteering. Programs, newsletter, current needs listing, events and contact information.