english deutsch
CAW Local 88
Canadian Auto Workers Local 88 representing the employees of CAMI Automotive.
Ingersoll and District Horticultural Society
A non-profit organization designed to help individuals with their gardening projects or dilemas.
Ingersoll Choral Society
The purpose of the Choral Society is to provide a greater musical challenge than is generally available to choristers in Ingersoll.
Ingersoll Chronicle Online Database
Searchable index of birth, death and marriage notices found in the Ingersoll Chronicle from 1854 - 1919.
Ingersoll Lions Club
A local community service club.
Ingersoll Service for Seniors
Information about programs and services offered at the centre.
Ingersoll Tribune Online Database
An online index to the birth, death, and marriage notices from The Ingersoll Tribune, 1870-1970.
Oxford County Library, 1894 - 1895 Town of Ingerso
An alphabetically arranaged list of private citizens and professional men, produced by the Union Publishing Company of Ingersoll.
Town of Ingersoll Historical Census
Includes census information for the years 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 for the town of Ingersoll, with resources intended to be used in conjunction with the corresponding Oxford County Census microfilm reels.