english deutsch
Doctor Ron Paluch
Offers complete dental care, though preventive dentistry, bonding, bleaching, implants, nitrous oxide, sedation, air abrasions, laser and cosmetic dental work.
Dr. Anthony Markowski
Provides dental care with an emphasis on sedation and cosmetic dentistry.
Dr. Michael Taylor, Orthodontist
Orthodontics for children and adults. Describes the assessment and treatment processes, oral hygiene and special products such as Invisalign braces.
Dr. Pourang Rahimi Orthodontics
Provides orthodontic care to children and adults, and lists profiles of the doctors, benefits of braces and some of the colours and options available.
Dr. Ron Barzilay
Dental surgeon taking new patients and offering same day emergency care and family dentistry. Doctor's profile, and practice information.
OMG Perio
Specialists in periodontal surgery and oral health care. Resources available for patients and referring doctors.
Outreach Dentistry Inc.
Mobile, in-house geriatric oral care in nursing homes and hospitals.