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Dundas Little Theatre Inc.
Volunteer-run community theatre. Season's schedule and volunteer information.
Great Big Theatre Company
Children's theatre company and school with programs for kids, teens and adults, with productions staged throughout the western end of Lake Ontario.
Hamilton Fringe Festival
Annual festival of experimental theatre. Schedule, venue and tickets information.
Hamilton Urban Theatre Association
Community theatre located in Jackson Square, offering workshops, camps and participation in productions; with an emphasis on Shakespeare.
Michael Carl O'Neil
A performer who portrays characters from the silver screen movies and famous historical figures as living statues. Specialising in slapstick, silent theatre and mime.
The Players' Guild of Hamilton (Ontario)
Community theatre company, season schedule and ticket ordering information
Theatre Ancaster
A community theatre company providing musical entertainment since 1993. Provides ticket information, upcoming schedule and past productions, booking and audition information, children's workshops, and contacts.
Theatre Aquarius
Hamilton's premier professional theatre company presents musicals, dramas and comedies plus an annual Holiday musical. Productions with major Canadian actors are all presented in a state-of-the-art theatre. Schedule, ticket information.