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Children's Aid Society of London and Middlese
Provides foster care, adoption services, offers individual and family counseling, and investigates reports of abuse.
County of Middlesex
Gives extensive county information; links to map, roads, ambulance, tourist attractions, family and seniors services, county information, library links and economic development among other links.
European Warmblood Stallion Zentrum Inc.
Breeds, trains and sells European Warmblood horses. Includes details about the animals, information on training and education, related links, a location map and other contact information.
Granny's Genealogy Garden: Middlesex Census 1
Census details for 12 townships, containing more than 35,500 names in 70 pages.
Huron Tractor
Equipment dealership specializing in agricultural, lawn and grounds care equipment with several outlets in Middlesex. Includes online inventory.
Kerwood Wolf Education Centre Inc.
A non-profit government-licensed facility focused on wolf preservation and conservation through education, and offers its education packages, news about its resident packs and resources about wolves.
Information about the town of Lambeth, with maps, schools, and links to local sports organizations.
London and Middlesex County Branch, Ontario Geneal
General information about this organization. Includes membership and executive information, upcoming meetings, their times and links to related resources.
Maternal Instincts
Lambeth, London, Ontario
Middlesex County Public Library
Middlesex Power Corporation
Provides water and hydro services throughout the county. Provides a corporate overview, rates, and water reports.
Middlesex Stewardship Committee
Saker Real Estate
Real estate agents in west Middlesex County for over forty years. Provides its agents' listings and links to activities in the area.
Stop N Go Video
Supplies movies for rent or sale to retailers throughout Southwestern Ontario.