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Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Information about camping and activities available, tips, and contact details.
Cape Breton Resorts
Cape Breton Island accommodations in Cape Breton's finest resorts and country inns. Choose from this group's many properties.
Cape Breton Showcase
Community, travel, music, culture and business information about Cape Breton Island.
Ceilidh Culture
A tour of Cape Breton, affording the traveler a view of Highland Scots culture with Gaelic stories and songs. Describes tour activities, history, services, a photo gallery and contact details.
Sea Spray Outdoor Adventures
This tour operator offers exploration of mountains and oceanside scenery on foot, by bike, kayak, snowshoes or on skis. Lists services and business contact.
Stay Cape Breton
A directory of selected accommodations on Cape Breton Island.
The Cabot Trail
An informative look at visitor's services on the trail. Discusses businesses, accommodations, camping, attractions, hiking, weather, interpretive centres, museums, history and communities.