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Best View Cabins
Bill and Marg Wheeler offer modern cabins in a fifteen acre country setting. Lists facilities, amenities, local attractions, rates and pictures. Gives booking contact.
Clementsport, Nova Scotia 1881 Census
The fifty-four page census lists surname, given name, place of birth, religion, origin, occupation and marital status.
HAL Consulting
A private career college delivering educational and consulting services. Lists business address, contact details and types of training.
International Association of Peacekeeping Training
The association exchanges information between training centres and those interested in training. Features information on standards, cooperation, executive committee, reports and articles of association.
Leslie Photography
Paula Leslie produces digital art from her photographs, scanned objects and drawings, using a high-resolution ink-jet printer. Discusses photography and gives business contact and e-mail.
Olde Port of Clements
Two guest rooms available in a two and a half story colonial home (circa 1827) from 1 July to 30 September. Lists local attractions, amenities, location, rates and booking contact.
Povah Gallery
An Impressionist in the manner of Monet, Sisley, and Renoir, the artist records the landscape and architecture of the Annapolis Valley. Presents a gallery of works.