Cable Cove Inn
Offers rooms with fireplaces and marble jacuzzi tubs. All rooms have private decks facing the ocean.
Chesterman Beach Bed and Breakfast
Provides accommodations in a cottage and several suites. Pictures, list of rates, and description of local scenery and activities.
Clayoquot Retreat Bed & Breakfast
Offers three rooms with private baths, private entrances and amenities. Includes rates, list of area activities and location.
Cobblewood Guest House
Bed and breakfast nestled among West Coast cedars on half-acre near inlet waters, beaches and bird sanctuary.
Innchanter, Hotsprings Cove
An antique floating bed and breakfast moored at Hotsprings Cove, twenty-seven miles north of Tofino. There are seven staterooms, a gourmet chef to provide meals, and a natural hotspring with a ten foot waterfall.
Jensen's Bay Bed and Breakfast
Double private entry ensuite guestrooms. Features information about area beaches and rainforest, rates, and photographs.
Lone Cone Guest Suites
Self contained private suites located close to everything.
Meares Retreat
Offers two private entrance suites, with private baths and amenities. Includes area activities, photos, rates, reservations and directions.
Sauna House Bed and Breakfast
Beach area location. Includes rates, photos, and contact information.
Seafarers Bed & Breakfast
Located on Chesterman Beach. Includes photos, rates, and contact information.
Tide's Inn
Offering two rooms with ensuite bathrooms, private entrances and amenities. Includes rates, area activities and location.
Tofino Bed & Breakfast Society
Society members home pages with links to individual listings on beach, in village, or forest areas.
Wilp Gybuu - Wolf House Bed and Breakfast
A comfortable bed and breakfast located in Tofino on the westcoast of Vancouver Island. Savour a delicious breakfast and the beautiful scenery of Tofino's Dufferin Passage every morning.