Bed and Breakfast
Caroline's Home Comfort Bed & Breakfast, Cow Bay Bed and Breakfast, Eagle Bluff Bed and Breakfast, Parry Place Bed and Breakfast, Pillsbury Guest House Bed & Breakfast, Pineridge Bed and Breakfast, Raindrop Bed and Breakfast, Tall Trees Bed and Breakfast
Anchor Inn
Provides a description of accommodations and services offered.
Crest Hotel
Information on accommodations, amenities, and cuisine offered. Find out about the local community or make a reservation.
Howard Johnson Highland Plaza Hotel
Find out about catering services, meeting facilities, and package deals. Includes information on accommodations and amenities.
Inn on the Harbour
Information on accommodations, amenities, and services offered.
Moby Dick Inn
Information on services, amenities, and accommodations. Includes local attractions and reservation form.
Palmerville Lodge
Find out about accommodations and services, as well as the many tour packages available.
Parkside Resort Motel
Offering 35 rooms with amenities, including RV hookup, laundry facilities and car storage. Includes area attractions, photos and location.
Raffles Inn
Provides a description of accommodations, dining, and services offered.
The Coast Prince Rupert Hotel
Information on accommodations and services offered.
Totem Lodge Motel
Provides a description of accommodations and services offered.