Bird Song Cottage
Bed and breakfast accommodations in a lavender and white gingerbread cottage. Provides pictures and rates for each room, and package offers including women's retreats.
Bird's Song Bed and Breakfast
Offering three rooms with amenities in historic lavender and white gingerbread cottage. Includes rates, photos, reservation request form, policies, women's retreat packages, community information and location.
Castle Cove Inn
Accommodation on secluded waterfront within walking distance of town. Photos and rates posted.
Castlebury Cottage Bed and Breakfast
Modelled after a folly, or a one-room mediaeval castle. Provides information on facility and amenities, as well as contact details.
Fuller Lake Motel
Information on accommodations and services offered. Send email for reservations.
Island Haven Bed and Breakfast
Offers two different guestrooms. Virtual tour, photo gallery, rates, and location map.
Olde Mill House B&B
Restored historical mill house in central location. Walk to live theatre, murals and specialty shops.