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A Beekeeper's Diary
Allen Dick's daily diary about commercial beekeeping and personal experiences with honey bees and beekeepers. Includes forum, photos and contact information.
Anderson, David T.
Web author gives biographical and personal information about writing, politics, hobbies and computers.
Belzil, Natasha and Dave
Photo album, personal information and list of links.
Benson, Neil
Provides local history and some city views.
Best of Calgary Restaurant Experiences 2002
Personal opinions on various local restaurants.
Blair, Crystal and Darcy
Provides individual pages, links to favourite sites and a what's new section.
Bou, Sonny
Provides author information, a photo gallery, volleyball information and personal links.
Calgary Corner
Contains some long "Letters to Ma" about moving to Calgary. Also lists some interesting local places.
Campbell, Richard
Descriptions of personal travels with emphasis on long-distance mountain trekking.
Christensen, Brian
Profile of a software engineer. Includes his interests, resume and contact details.
Day, Jon
Contains his poetry, photos, music, weblog, and random miscellany.
Pictures, biography, interests and other personal information.
Fenerty, Brian
Focuses on astronomy and images of Calgary.
Foster, Kevin
Musician, artist, and computer game programmer. Includes MP3s and photos.
Friesen, Al
Offers information on community and amateur radio.
Frizzell Family
Provides individual pages for each family member with favourite links and family information.
Horniachek, Rob
Offers news, photos, and favourite links.
Jeff Perrin
Weblog and online resume detailing his experiences as an ASP.NET web developer in Calgary.
Krebes, David A.
Interesting information about knots, knot tying methods, knot theory research mathematics and schizoaffective disorders.
Kwakkel, Sidney
Contains an employment resume and area links.
McMillan, Christopher
Includes information and photos of Formula 1, open wheel racing championship.
Melton, Alvin
Features personal information, photos, travels and discussion papers.
Myden, Chris
Offers articles, features, pictures, links, and other information.
Stiles, Nick
News, biography, photographs and other information.
The Prairie Gal
Personal homepage providing information about Alberta camping, gardening, cooking and links to game sites.